Saturday, May 14, 2011

Here we go again....

5 May 2011
Been a long week or so, had a lot going on.  And as you read this, the Prairie Flower, Buckaroo, and I should be up in Shakespeare; doing our thing.
Last week end, April 30th, Jimmy Portillo and Chris Shatan were on hand at the El Paso Museum of History for the premier  of issue #5 of “Hell Paso: The Dallas Stoudenmire Story.”  I admit, I haven’t had a chance to read through #5 from cover to cover yet, but glancing through it remains a crisp new approach at a major series of events in El Paso’s Old West history.  Was a pretty good turnout, 50 or so folks, to look over the books and purchase the series.  Chris did a free sketch for anyone buying all 5 at the museum that day.

14 May 2011
The tours at Shakespeare went well. Had a good group of folks come visit.    Work is going along slowly, but steadily.  The April Living History Tours saw the first opening of the Dance Studio to the public.  Kay Shannon conducted that portion of the tour.
May 21st will see the second episode of OWEP Radio to feature live guests.  Chris Medina and the crew from GHOST-EP be on hand to discuss how history plays an important part of ghost hunting.  It ought to be an interesting show.
So until next time. You all take care, May God bless, and keep your powder dry....

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