It's the beginning of a new year, and it started with a bang. I worked the El Paso Museum of History's "Fan Fest" for the Sun Bowl. Helped Curator Barb Angus with the chuck box and cowboy cooking set up. As always the was a blast.
Jimmy Blaze had a table set up at the Museum as well. Now for those of you into independent comic books, Jimmy Blaze is the creator of the "Hell Paso" series. "Hell Paso" is a mini series of six comic books, dealing with El Paso's turbulent early years and our 2 gunned City Marshal; Dallas Stoudenmire. The first 4 issues of the series are completed and available for sale. Besides at Barnes & Nobles, Hell Paso is also available online. I was impressed with the series, and can't wait to see how Jimmy ties everything up in the final two issues.
The first Old West El Paso Gunfight Tour of the year went off without a hitch. Had several folks from Indiana along. Found it ironic that they flew over 750 miles to hear another Hoosier talk about gunfights. I was personally very satisfied with the turn out. Now I did get asked one question that I have not found an answer to yet. Looking for a difinative book on El Paso's Missions and Presidio Chapel. There are booklets and pamphlets, but not a serious book that I know of....yet.
Was talking to Constable Rick Gammon this week at the court house. The good Constable introduced me to yet another gunfight, another 20th Century one at that. As I research it, I'll get it written up and posted for you folks.
I did get some major work done on the website over the holiday period. Got most the kinks worked out of the digitizing of the Old West Tales booklets. And cleaned up the format for the gunfight listings.
One criticism I received on the listing does need explaining. the former gunfight listing page has been renamed Gunfight Capital of the World. The entries found there are actually the rough drafts of my detailed accounts of each encounter. Believe me, the hard copies have a multitude of crib notes and personal questions scribbled between lines and in the margins. Eventually, all of that will be cleaned up, edited and become my serious book of the same title. So folks visiting the GFCoW page can actually see the book being born. ( and it might take years to finish the research, so don't expect miracles).
That's enough rambling for now. Hope you all had a Happy New Years Keep your powder dry.
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