Saturday, July 31, 2010

The website, the website, the website

After much cussing, swearing, and sweat I got the improvements on OldWestElPaso.Com posted this evening. All to early this morning I thought I had it nailed down, but on review online, found the links for the calendar and Plaza Classic page wouldn't work. I fitzed around for a couple of hours this evening and got it fixed, and all seems to be working well for now.

The first big changes folks are going to notice and the links page, and the gunfight page. I like the new format for the links page, and with maybe one or two tweaks, don't plan to change it much again.

I made the Gunfight Section it's own page. It makes for easier access to the stories. Once I get some operating capital again, I want to purchase the rights to use the fantastic photos and maps available here in town, to illustrate the stories.

I have plans to rewrite the Shakespeare Ghost Town page. There are more photos to gather and sort, before I begin that project.

Well that's all for now folks. Take care, Keep your powder dry.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Nation Day of the Cowboy- El Paso Museum of History's Celebration

Today from 2:99 - 4:00 was the El Paso Museum of History's 1st annual celebration of the National Day of the Cowboy. It was a small event as these things go. Mainly because it was the first, and let's face it, there ain't much of a budget to work with. The Paso del Norte Pistolero's and Six Guns and Shady Ladies performed for good crowds. I was working the chuck box as usual, while Rod Linkous set up a static display of cowboy weapons. Mike had a table set up to demonstrate branding. Instead of cows, we used chunks of wood. Inside Ron Leiman gave the folks a chance to braid rope. Elba was stationed with Brownie ( the fiberglass horse) to talk about the horse gear a cowboy would use. Over all it was a good turn out for the Museum's first time out. We'll have an even better one next year.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Evergreen Cemetery

First of all, I apologize for getting a post up sooner. Had something come up after church, and just got home.

Anyways, I went to check out the History Tour at Evergreen Cemetery Saturday morning. Our host was Chris Gomez, of Boy Scout Troop 37, a young gentleman out to earn his Eagle. As his community service project, he chose to set up and organize this tour. The entire Troop was out to support Chris's efforts. Scouts were positioned at various locations to talk about the famous ( or infamous) people buried there. The you men had researched their subjects pretty well, to include a photograph of the people they were discussing. CHris chose some of the great movers and shakers of El Paso's history, including Joesph Magoffin, Juan Hart, C.N. Bassett and of course Alber bacon Fall.

My hat's off to Chris and Troop 37 for a job well done. I hope on of the young scouts decides to continue the tradition and build from Chris's project and do it again next year.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Web Site Up Dates.

Spent some time this evening updating the links on Old West El Paso. Com. I have to complete some write ups, but I'm also looking at a new HTML writer that'll be easier to edit.

Happy Trails Folks

Saturday, July 10, 2010

After Action Review, Leon Metz Show

I was a guest along with Prince McKenzie on the Leon Metz Show this morning. The conversation was centered around the 1870's and 1880's El Paso. Things went along pretty well. I covered the power shift with the Aftermath of the Civil War, and prince brought up that the plan had been for the southern Transcontinental railroad. Billy the Kid's excursion through El Paso was also discussed. Overall A very good show

One of the late PSA's Jackson brought up was an Eagle Scout's community service project. He's doing a history walk through at Ever Green Cemetery. It'll be Saturday July 17th from 10-2. Ought to be interesting. Yours truly will be there to see how it goes. Who know, maybe Concordia may have competition.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Catching Up

Howdy folks. Been going over notes, and stuff I had stashed in the back drawer for posts, that never quite made it. In the next few days I will be posting some of the ones I feel should be included.

I also will have an announcement to come out Saturday afternoon. Might be of some interest to you.

Saturday July 10th, I will be a guest on the Leon Metz Show along with Prince McKenzie of the Railroad and transportation Museum of El Paso. We will be discussing El Paso in the 1870's, and 80's and the impact of the railroads to the region. Ought to be an entertaining 2 hours. That'll be on KTSM 690AM at 10:00MST

So until Saturday, have a good one and Keep your Powder Dry.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

It's Been A Long Time

Well folks, it's been a long time, but I'm back, and hopefully better than ever.

Well the 4th of July, 2010 marked a big start up for me. Crummy as it is, I launched OLDWestEl Paso.Com. It'll be my go to website for those of us wanting to know whats going on, and where in El Paso History. We'll see how it goes.