Thursday August 6th, 2008 was the Memorial Service for Leroy Grazelle. I still find it difficult to realize he is now training the heavenly gun crews. Why is it, most folks really don't get to know a man until he has passed away? While I knew he had re-enacted for a number of years, I didn't know for how long, nor how many of his immediate family also re-enacted. Heck I wasn't sure if he was still working, or had retired. Leroy was just always there, more than willing to lend a helping hand, provide advice, or crack a joke. Another thing I observed, there was one hell of a crowd present to say their final goodbyes.
Unfortunately I have had to attend quite a few memorials and funerals over the past few years. Some were crowded, mainly to make sure the deceased was dead. But Thursday, the folks at the church had to haul in not one, but three additional loads of chairs to the guests. Even with all the additional seating, there were still people standing at the back of the church, all there to pay their respects and to say "Good Bye." To me that marks the true wealth of a man, the number of friends and family he leaves behind.